The CII values and respects inclusion and diversity and strives in all its activities to take account of and reflect the interests of all the people it serves.
Diversity values the differences which exist between people. These differences are embraced to promote an environment where everyone’s characteristics are valued, respected and fully utilised.
Equality is a shorthand term referring to the range of work aimed at ensuring the full and fair participation of marginalized or under-represented groups, where these groups may be excluded from full and fair participation as a result of discrimination and disadvantage, or other barriers. This has a particular reference to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010 which are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
What is an EIIA?
An Equality Inclusion Impact Assessment (EIIA) is a tool aimed at improving policy development and implementation by ensuring that individuals and teams think carefully about the likely impact of their work on different groups. It involves anticipating the effects of policies, procedures, and functions on different groups and making sure that any negative impacts are eliminated or minimised and opportunities for promoting and advancing equality and diversity are maximised.
Why should we complete EIIAs?
EIIAs, although not a legal requirement, are an extremely useful mechanism for:
A. preventing any potential discrimination before it occurs;
B. ensuring that everything your organisation does is as inclusive as possible;
C. providing a defence if a discrimination claim is made against the CII.
More information and an EIIA form can be downloaded below.