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How is an institute grant calculated?

Local institutes receive up to 14% of total UK CII member fees.

Each institute receives its annual funding in two separate tranches - paid in January and August.

- Institutes who have annual funding of less than £10,000 are paid 80% of their ordinary grant in January, with the remaining 20% paid in August.

- Institutes who have annual funding of more than £10,000 are paid 50% of their ordinary grant in January, with the remaining 50% paid in August.

All institutes are now allocated to one of four bands – exceeding, mastering, progressing and needs addressing – on the basis of their annual assessment score. These bands are assigned an associated percentage payment of an institute's total membership fees ranging from 10% to 14% - the annual assessment scores are also ranked in three separate peer groups, for small, medium and large institutes. The purpose is to further ensure fair distribution of annual funding.

Please note if an institute holds more than 12 months operating costs (as per their annual financial returns) they will have their second tranche grant reduced.