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Ordinary grants

The ordinary grant funding model seeks to share the available funds equitably via a performance-related payment based on the annual assessment completed by each institute. The model not only reinforces local institute best practice but also supports the provision of member services across the UK.

The ordinary grant is paid in accordance with Article 6 of the CII’s Charter which states:

The Institute shall support the activities of independent insurance institutes which have been or may be established locally in any part of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man by Members and which have been approved by the Council insofar as those activities will further the objects of the Institute. In particular the Institute shall contribute annually to the funds of each such independent institute a grant at a rate or rates to be decided from time to time by the Annual General Meeting and may make such other contributions as the Council may from time to time determine.

All institutes are now allocated to one of four bands – exceeding, mastering, progressing and needs addressing – based on their annual assessment score. These bands are assigned an associated percentage payment of an institute’s total membership fees.

In line with the reserve policy, where an institute’s reserves exceed 12 month’s operating costs an adjustment is to be made to the second tranche of the ordinary grant to reduce reserves down to the appropriate level. This payment will be made in August following the receipt of each institute’s annual financial returns.

Please note as part of the second tranche process local institutes can now apply for the potential ring-fencing of annual reserves if monies relate to sponsorship received from local organisations.

Every application for potential ring-fencing needs to detail the reasons for the application as well as an overview of the institute’s finances – this is to ensure that annual reserves do not build up and that member monies are spent on developing the local membership proposition.

Please note all applications will be reviewed by a working group with a response provided within ten working days from receipt of the application form which can be downloaded below, along with guidance on what a local institute can use its ordinary grant for.

To receive annual grant provision each institute must meet specific reporting and audit requirements set out across Network Know-How to ensure sufficient financial controls are in place to safeguard CII grant income and ensure expenditure meets specific grant requirements - this includes the submission of annual financial returns.

For an overview of local institute ordinary grant spend please see the guidelines that can can be downloaded below.

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