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Reporting requirements and record keeping

The CII expects each institute to keep accurate accounting records of all CII grant expenditure – i.e. amounts and details as well as underlying invoices and receipts. Annual financial accounts and other annual returns are expected to be received by CII HQ by 31st May of every calendar year – this includes an end of year bank statement.

There is a standard format that the CII annual return should take and can be found within the MYLI tab.

An accounting tool is also available for all local institute treasurers and is encouraged to be used to record all financial transactions of the institute. This tool also links automatically to the CII annual return.

If this tool is used this would be the only finance document (along with end of year bank statement) to be filed to CII HQ subject to the required audit/review requirements detailed below.

If this tool is not used a local institute is expected to file with CII HQ annual financial accounts in a recognised accounting format and the CII annual return by the 31st May of each calendar year.

Financial controls

Institutes are required to ensure that CII grant monies are not misappropriated and are spent according to the terms outlined above.

A secure financial control environment should be created, including but not limited to:

Dual sign off/approval on any outgoing payments – e.g. online banking/cheque/DD setups
Quarterly committee review of all institute financial transactions for the period
Sign off from officers independent of those producing the records and/or conducting the payments

The CII appreciate some institutes, due to resources available, will operate with sole users controlling outgoing payments, it is imperative in such an environment that quarterly reviews, at the least, are conducted and recorded by independent officers of the institute.

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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