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CII Policies

The CII has a number of policies which set out how key risks are managed and its expectations of ways of working.

A number of these policies are relevant for our network of local institutes and all Council members and officers are expected to comply with their requirements where applicable. Key policies of relevance to local institutes are highlighted below.

For more information on any of these policies or to obtain copies please contact your Regional Membership Manager.

Conflicts of interest
Council and committee members must always take decisions in the best interest of the Institute, and any personal or business interests must not influence these – or be perceived to influence these. The policy sets out the need to put in place arrangements for identifying and managing actual and potential conflicts of interest, such as maintaining a register of Council members’ interests and ensuring that members aren’t involved in any decision where they may or may be perceived to benefit from the decision.

Anti-bribery and corruption
The CII and all Council members and officers are bound by the UK’s Bribery Act 2010. The policy sets out the CII’s commitment to conducting all of its business in an honest and ethical manner and its zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. The policy details responsibilities as well as providing information and guidance on how to recognise and deal with bribery and corruption issues.

All Institute Council members and officers, along with CII staff and officers are expected to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, and the prevention, detection and reporting of bribery and other forms of corruption is everybody’s responsibility.

The policy sets out the CII’s stance on fraud, the responsibilities for prevention and detection, what to do if you suspect or discover fraud and how the CII will investigate any suspected fraud. The CII does not tolerate fraud in any form, regardless of the mitigating circumstances. Institute Council members and officers as well as CII staff must always act honestly, with integrity and safeguard resources and assets from the impacts of fraud. The CII will investigate all instances of actual, attempted, and suspected fraud committed.

Information security
The policy sets out the CII’s approach to information security, including key principles and how information must be protected. It details responsibilities which apply to Institute Council members and officers, including the duty of confidentiality and to safeguard information.

Data retention policy
The policy sets out principles and processes for the management data to ensure that the CII and Institutes operate in line with regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. The key principles to note are that records should not be held unnecessarily and should be destroyed when they are no longer needed.

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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