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Local institute regalia

Presidents of local institutes have neck badges which should be worn at all formal CII functions, local institute activities and external functions. The badge is passed on to the new president at each AGM. No member of a local institute, other than the president, may wear the president’s badge.

All institutes then provide their past president with a badge to mark their time as president and this is normally presented at your AGM.

Below are examples of both the standard badge and bar options -

Additional engraving can be added to the back of the medal on the badge, at no further cost. The wording must be stated within the additional engraving section of the online order form.

Please consider the following when thinking about what you would like engraved on the badge:

  • The bar on top of the ribbon ie first and second lines must be max of 15 characters each line, and the third line must bemax of 11 characters

  • The back of the medal must have 6 readable lines, with a max of 12 characters per line

Past presidents of local institutes should wear their badges at all formal functions of the local institute or any other formal dinner or event where it is instructed that “medals and/or decorations shall be worn”. The badge should be worn on the right hand side to distinguish them from public medals awarded by the sovereign which must be worn on the left.

Other badges are also available for deputy presidents, vice presidents and local committee chairs, full details as to what engraving is required need to be added to the online order form under the special requests section.

A few local institutes have specific ribbon and engraving colours other than the ‘standard blue’ as shown above. To change the colour of the badge ribbon or engraving, there is an official process that needs to take place which involves gaining your local council’s approval in order to determine the local institute colour for that particular region. For further information relating to this process, please contact the regional engagement administrator.

Ordering local institute regalia

Regalia can be ordered in September each year, and a reminder notice will be issued to councils in August.

An online order form will be activated on this page on 2nd September, which will remain open until 1st October. From 2nd October, the Regional Membership Team will process the orders and have them ready to send to councils in time for their next AGM, when they are presented to recipients.


Please note the cost for a past president badge is £46.00 for a full badge and £33.00 for a bar only; both costs are inclusive of engraving (where requested), postage, VAT and presentation wallet.

Once your order has been submitted, you will shortly receive an invoice which will have your order reference and account information in order for you to make payment.

To order local institute regalia, visit the ordering page.

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Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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