Please note: Due to essential maintenance member login is unavailable from 5pm Wednesday 12th March until 5pm Thursday 13th March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Past President Badges - order now

All local institutes present their immediate Past President with a badge to mark their time as President - this presentation normally takes place at your forthcoming AGM.

The cost for a past president badge is £46.00 for a full badge and £33.00 for a bar only – both costs are inclusive of engraving (where requested), postage, VAT, and presentation wallet.

Ordering could not be easier - simply fill in the order form here and send payment to the details listed below the form.

Please note you can also order badges for previous years, simply indicate within the order form what year you need.

All orders need to be received by Friday 3rd February 2023 – please note we only place one order with our regalia company per annum, if orders are not received by this date, then they will need to be carried over to next year.

Past Presidents of local institutes should wear their badges at all formal functions of the local institute or any other formal dinner or event - the badge should be worn on the right-hand side to distinguish them from public medals awarded by the sovereign, which must be worn on the left.