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Volunteers' Week 2023

Volunteers’ Week 2023
For this year’s volunteers’ week, we would like to thank all our member volunteers across the country without whom the activities below would not be possible.

CII Local Institutes
The CII local institutes are run and shaped by member volunteers - who come together to support one common goal – to give back to our profession and help support others. The CIIs network of institutes run 1500 CPD and networking events each year delivered by over 700 volunteers.

Regional PFS Committees
The PFS comprises of 26 regional committees across the UK, whose volunteers are essential in maintaining the future growth and professional standing of the society. The PFS’ network is made up of over 150 volunteers, who support local member engagement at over 100 events annually.

My Personal Finance Skills
The My Personal Finance Skills initiative delivers free financial education and careers workshops to schools across the UK via a network of 1,000 mainly PFS volunteers. This academic year alone, over 600 sessions are due to take place reaching over 18,000+ young people.

CII Professional Community Boards
The CII Professional Communities are headed up by experienced insurance professionals and senior leaders who are passionate about serving and supporting the development, growth and careers of all who work in insurance profession. They volunteer their time to help create relevant content, support events and share their own learning and experiences with the members.

Are you already part of our volunteer network? Share this post along with your experience.

Find out more and get involved today:

#volunteersweek #thepowerofgivingback #cii #pfs