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Local Institute Volunteer Awards 2025

The lifeblood of the CII and PFS in UK, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands rests in individual members: members who not only commit themselves to professionalism in what they do but those that go the extra mile in volunteering.

Annually, through the Local Institute Volunteer Awards, individuals who have truly excelled in supporting the CII or PFS locally, regionally or even nationally, are recognised for those contributions and all members in the British Isles are invited to consider whether someone in their Local Institute is truly an unsung hero deserving of a Distinguished Service or Exceptional Service Award.

Additionally, and at the sole discretion of the Awards’ Panel, the Allan Bridgwater Award may be made recognising an individual who has achieved exceptional professional standing through their volunteering commitment to the sector. In 2024, four individuals were recognised for their outstanding contributions and received their awards at the Network Conference in June.

These awards are not long service or lifetime membership awards, although it is unlikely an award will be made for a one-off achievement. They are to celebrate and recognise significant and out of the ordinary contributions to the furtherance of the CII and PFS in its aims of delivering Standards, Professionalism and Trust.

Following consultation with LINF the Awards’ application process has been refined with the aim of permitting:

  1. A simplified application process
  2. Improved guidance as to what the Awards’ Panel is seeking
  3. A year-round window for applications (subject to an annual cut-off date of 15th March)
  4. A requirement for all Local Institutes/PFS Committees to evidence in their annual assessment review that they have considered an Award Nomination
  5. And maintenance of the present standards required for receipt of an award with the kudos attached

Members of the Awards Panel who are drawn from membership around the UK, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are available to be contacted via your Regional Membership Manager and a number are more than happy to meet with Local Institute or PFS Regions in person. The panel includes:

  • Callum Beaton FCII, Chair, Channel Islands/South Coast
  • Brian Caruth Cert PFS (Vice President Local Institutes) Northern Ireland
  • Martin Ashfield ACII, North West
  • Claire Longman FCII, South West
  • Melanie Jordan FCII, North East
  • Claire Attenborough ACII, England/Wales borders
  • Kath Harvey APFS, Scotland
  • Eddie Grant FPFS, London and South East

Please do engage with the panel to understand fully the kudos that an award can deliver and how best to approach a nomination. Is there someone within your Local Institute, on Council or a PFS Committee who has gone that extra mile and deserves recognition? If so, engage in the nomination process via the documentation below and ensure they are considered for wider recognition.