Network Conference 2024

The CII's annual volunteer event took place at Mottram Hall, Macclesfield on Wednesday 12 June 2024. The annual event brought local institute volunteers from across the country together to share good practice surrounding the amazing work they deliver for members year on year.

Opening the day, CEO Matthew Hill gave a speech welcoming members and volunteers to the event, homing in on the CII missions.

Matthew said:Our mission is a very noble endeavour – I can’t think of anything simpler, clearer or more motivating. Trust and confidence means people and businesses benefit enormously from the services you provide and things that you do. The more you trust a profession, the more you are likely to engage with them. Passion and commitment can be just words – but I have come away from my discussions with members with not the merest hint of doubt that they are truly believed. We need to mobilise that passion and commitment, that excitement and pride, and use it to benefit society.”

The day was packed full of informative plenary sessions, including an interactive conversation with members of the New Generation programme.

Following the breakout sessions, Dr Helen Phillips and Ian Callaghan CII President wrapped up the day with an inspiring message, thanking volunteers for their valuable contribution to the insurance and financial services sectors and the Chartered Insurance Institute.

“The products and services insurers provide is fundamentally based on a promise – and if you are not up to your promise you will not be in business. That is why we have the culture we do across our profession – and it’s lovely. Our volunteers take themselves seriously, without self-importance. It’s a great privilege to serve our presidents, our councils and all our other members.” - Helen Phillips.

Thank you to all those who attended the event, feedback has been hugely positive so far and we are pleased that council members had the opportunity to connect in person with other local institutes, and interact with the CII staff regarding current programmes and projects relevant to the volunteer network.

The regional membership team are currently working with the CII Communications team to collate all of the submitted questions and feedback from the day. A comprehensive Q&A document will be shared with attendees and council members shortly.