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Realigning the Partnership - update January / February 2024

Our latest update on the Realigning the Partnership initiative which commenced last year following its launch at NC2023.

Theme One: Networking events
What you said
: Local institutes viewed networking activities for members as their key priority.
What we’ve done: The team have discussed the possibility of eight regional events across the UK or additional support in aiding individual institutes to run networking events for members locally.
Next Steps: The regional membership team will be consulting with institutes in Q1 about how the network wants support with and around networking activities.

Theme Two: Exam Training
What you said: Local institutes need more support to arrange exam training for members
What we’ve done: The team have worked with Learning Solutions team to develop a proposition, in conjunction with a working party from LINF, for local institutes to offer to members.
Next Steps: Further information to, and consultation with, local institutes across Q2 with provisional launch in Q3.

Theme Three: Career support and engagement
What you said
: Local institutes need more support and tools in developing relationships with schools, colleges and universities.
What we’ve done: The team have worked with the CIIs Career Partnership Manager to map out possible support and tools that can be developed to aid our local institutes in developing relationships locally.
Next Steps: Roll out support and communications from Q3 onwards, develop tools in conjunction with local institute career officers.

Theme Four: CPD
What you said
: Local institutes would like to help develop a standard CPD core offering for members across the UK.
What we’ve done: The team have consulted with the CIIs Content and Capabilities Director to discuss how this could be best achieved.
Next Steps: An advisory panel with representatives from Local Institutes and wider member stakeholders will be established in Q3 to discuss how we can maximise our CPD offering both nationally and locally.

Theme Five: Corporate and chartered firm engagement
What you said
: Local institutes want to develop further relationships with key organisations at a local level.
What we’ve done: The team have started to develop conversations with the business development team on the work they do with key corporates and local businesses to discuss how local institutes can possibly support.
Next Steps: Develop process and protocol across Q2 in how the business development team will be working closely with the regional membership team to ensure that they are more visible to our local institutes.

Theme Six: Thematic groups
What you said
: Local institutes need additional support for key council roles.
What we’ve done: The team set up several thematic groups in the latter part of 2023 focussing on diversity officers, education secretaries and CPD officers - feedback on all events was extremely positive. Network Know How - the extranet site for local institute volunteers relaunched in January 2024 offering additional council support through revised content, drop in sessions arranged for volunteers to obtain more information on the site.
Next Steps: The team will continue to work with key council roles over the coming 12 months to ensure that support needed is offered. Standalone events will be offered to communication officers, career officers, diversity officers, education secretaries and CPD officers – building on last year’s successful events. The team are exploring the possibly of an online forum which will be hosted on Network Know How allowing all council members to engage with one another to discuss and share good practice.

Theme Seven: Annual network conference
What you said
: Local institutes want to further support the development and hosting of Network Conference.
What we’ve done: The regional membership team are currently working with the CIIs events team to develop this year’s volunteer conference - NC2024.
Next Steps: The team will be in touch following NC2024, to gain an insight into how institutes want to support the volunteer conference from 2025 onwards.

Theme Eight: Grants
What you said
: Local institutes would like to see more financial support for smaller institutes to stop potential cash flow issues.
What we’ve done: The review and development of the second tranche funding process was discussed with the CIIs Finance Director and the CIIs Interim CEO at the end of 2023.
Next Steps: A revised second tranche grant process to be signed off and initially discussed with LINF members in Q1.

Theme Nine: Non-financial resourcing
What you said
: Local institutes need more central staffing support.
What we’ve done: A paper was presented to CII Board outlining the benefits of additional central support, highlighting a number of potential support models.
Next Steps: The recruitment of two new staff for the regional membership team - a Regional Membership Manager (supporting the North-West and North-East) and a Regional Membership Executive (supporting the team to develop volunteer engagement events and volunteer communications). This will move forward in Q1.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the Realigning the Partnership initiative, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Regional Membership Manager - your feedback will help us ensure that what we continue to deliver is relevant and fit for purpose.