Realigning the Partnership - update May/June 2024

The regional membership team are continuing to work on each of the nine key themes that make up the Realigning the Partnership initiative.

Theme One: Networking events – THEME NOW COMPLETE
What you said: Local institutes viewed networking activities for members as their key priority.

This theme has now been ACTIONED and COMPLETED. The regional membership team have now created a good practice guide which focuses on how to run positive networking events that benefit members locally. Networking events can be incredibly valuable for your members; helping them to build professional relationships, expanding their professional circles and establishing meaningful connections with like-minded peers, potential clients, mentors, and collaborators.

Theme Two: Exam Training
What you said: Local institutes need more support to arrange exam training for members

The team is working with the CII Learning Propositions team to ensure local institutes are considered in the ongoing development of a national exam training programme proposition, including the choice to offer financial support for their members who participate in the programme. The regional team will continue to work with the central team to make sure the network has a voice, and views and feedback are considered to help shape future programmes.

Theme Three: Career support and engagement
What you said: Local institutes are keen to do more cannot progress without further support from CII.

The team is working with the CII Career Partner Manager to create a plan for delivering more consistent and structured support for LIs who want to provide career support and engage with schools & colleges in their locality. In Q2 we sent out a survey all LIs to ascertain current activities and gaps, and are currently collating the results to assist us in planning next steps. We will also review the local institute career officer role, and provide regular updates on progress via network communications.

Theme Four: CPD
What you said: Local institutes would like to help develop a standard CPD core offering for members across the UK.

The team have consulted with the CIIs Content and Capabilities Director to discuss how this could be best achieved. We are awaiting on the development of an advisory panel with representatives from Local Institutes and wider member stakeholders which will be established in Q3 to discuss how we can maximise our CPD offering both nationally and locally.

Theme Five: Corporate and chartered firm engagement
What you said: Local institutes want to develop further relationships with key organisations at a local level.

The team ran a breakout session at this year’s Network Conference with Phil Turner (Business Development Exec) and Martin Rouse (Business Development and Marketing Director) team to ensure we can start to create closer links between the business development team and the 54 institutes. The regional membership team will be taking all feedback received within this session to further develop a plan of action to be rolled out over the coming months improving how institutes work with key organisations, corporates, and chartered firms across their region.

Theme Six: Thematic groups
What you said: Local institutes need additional support for key council roles.

The team are current organising and sending out meeting dates for our thematic group updates – these meetings will focus on diversity officers, education secretaries/CPD officers, communication officers, presidents/deputy presidents, dinner secretaries and communications officers. We also hosted a round of CEO Digital Town Halls providing an opportunity for local institutes to meet the CII's new CEO and will be launching an additional round in November this year.

Theme Seven: Annual network conference – THEME NOW COMPLETE
What you said: Local institutes want to further support the development and hosting of Network Conference.

This theme has now been ACTIONED and COMPLETED. The regional membership team have now run a successful network conference and will be working with the CIIs events team to develop a five-year plan for future events.

Theme Eight: Grants – THEME NOW COMPLETE
What you said: Local institutes would like to see more financial support for smaller institutes to stop potential cash flow issues.
This theme has now been ACTIONED and COMPLETED. Smaller local institutes will now receive 80% of their annual ordinary grant in January to ensure that there are no cash flow issues going forward.

Theme Nine: Non-financial resourcing – THEME NOW COMPLETE
What you said: Local institutes need more central staffing support.

This theme has now been ACTIONED and COMPLETED. The CII announced the addition of two new members would be recruited into the regional membership team. Anouska Luboff joined the team in May as Regional Membership AdministrTator, and Sara Price joined the team in June as Regional Membership Manager with responsibility for the North-West and North-East regions.