Realigning the Partnership – update THEME 1 (NETWORKING EVENTS)

Following the launch of the Realigning the Partnership initiative last year, institutes fed back (via the questionnaire) that they viewed networking activities for members as one of their key priorities. This was developed into Theme 1 of the Realigning the Partnership initiative – NETWORKING EVENTS.

The regional membership team have now created a good practice guide which focuses on how to run positive networking events that benefit members locally.

Networking events can be incredibly valuable for your members; helping them to build professional relationships, expanding their professional circles and establishing meaningful connections with like-minded peers, potential clients, mentors, and collaborators.

Organising a networking event for your local institute also ensures you create further visibility locally, giving you a platform to showcase your institute’s membership proposition, and possibly gaining invaluable feedback directly from your members.

The good practice guide can be found here.