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Realigning the Partnership update - useful feedback gained at NC breakout sessions

Following the launch of Realigning the Partnership in 2023 the regional membership team have been working hard to deliver on each of its key nine themes.

We are happy to report that five of the nine themes have now been completed. Theme one (networking events), theme two (exam training), theme seven (network conference), theme eight (grants) and theme nine (non-financial resourcing). Updates can be found in earlier Network KnowHow news articles.

The regional membership team used the recent Network Conference breakout sessions to give delegates the chance to air their views and share best practice surrounding three of the four remaining themes – theme three (career support and engagement), theme four (CPD), and theme five (corporate and chartered engagement). Delegates were extremely engaging with a huge number of valuable contributions discussed, with many delegates leaving the session feeling energised and inspired.

The team will be using this additional feedback to further shape these themes in conjunction with colleagues from across the CII.

Theme six (thematic groups), which focuses on support for specific council roles, continues to be rolled out. One consistent piece of feedback that the team received on the back of the Realigning the Partnership questionnaire was that institutes wanted more support for key council roles and the opportunity to discuss good practice with peers from across the wider network. With that said we have now developed several thematic group meetings. Successful events have already been held for diversity officers, CPD officers, education secretaries, careers officers and presidents; with dates in the diary to run events with both local institute dinner secretaries and local institute communication officers.