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Evolving the Partnership – March Update

Following the ongoing success of the Realigning the Partnership initiative, the regional membership team have extended the initiative into 2025. Evolving the Partnership focuses on three overarching themes of Volunteer Engagement, LI Visibility and LI Proposition Development.

Volunteer Engagement: Local Institute National Forum (LINF)

The first LINF meeting of 2025 was held on Tuesday 4th March and covered the following:

  • Updates by the regional membership team
  • Good practice sharing from each of the Local Institute regions
  • Discussion on anything highlighted for discussion by the Local Institute regions
  • Update and discussion with each of the CII Committee representatives
  • Update and discussion with Professional Communities
  • CPD pilot / revision support discussion with Ian Simons, CIIs Content + Capabilities Director

LINF gives your institute the opportunity to share good practice or feedback questions or queries directly to the CII. Your council will be represented at a regional meeting held prior to each LINF meeting – you can ask for items to be tabled at this regional meeting for discussion.

Volunteer Engagement: Thematic Group Meetings / Digital Town Halls
The regional membership team are currently working with several internal stakeholders to develop thematic group meetings and the first round of CEO Digital Town Halls for the first half of 2025. Thematic group meetings are held to support specific council roles across the local institute network, with the DTHs giving our CEO, Matthew Hill the chance to update on the CIIs strategy. The following thematic group meetings will be rolled out across the first half of 2024, following feedback from volunteers. Diary invites to follow.

  • New Generation Overview – aimed at all council members
  • The Insurance Charity – aimed at Charity Reps
  • Qualifications, exams, and learning – aimed at Education Secretaries
  • LI LUNCH + LEARN: Public Speaking – aimed at Deputy Presidents
  • Conduct and code of ethics - aimed at Presidents and Secretaries

Volunteer Engagement: NC2025
This year’s volunteer conference – NC2025, will be taking place at Cameron House, Loch Lomond, Scotland on 18th and 19th June. A save the date has been released to all Local Institutes, with formal invites being distributed in March. The regional membership team are working with the CIIs Group Events Manager and ELT to confirm the programme.

LI Visibility: Social Media Support

The regional membership team distributed the social media toolkit towards the end of 2024 and in January 2024 the LinkedIn content project began, with 36 institutes taking part. The project uses existing Journal content and is shared on institutes LinkedIn pages to lead discussion and to enable historical and relevant content to be seen by more people. The project is already seeing more followers on several institutes LinkedIn pages.

LI Visibility: Web Refresh

The current local institutes websites have been in existence for a while; therefore it has been decided to give the websites a refresh. The websites will be a lot cleaner therefore making it easier to understand for both volunteers editing the site and members viewing it. The refresh will be done in two phases, with the home page, events page, news and contact pages being done in H1 and the remaining sites in H2. The team are working with an institute focus group to ensure the site is being redeveloped in line with member requirements.

LI Visibility: New Member Webinar

The regional membership team run a quarterly webinar for new members in conjunction with other colleagues from across the membership department, the webinars give the team the opportunity to promote the objectives of the Local Institute network and the local membership proposition. 240 new members signed up to webinar held in February.

LI Proposition Development: CPD support

The regional membership team is working with the Contents & Capabilities Director as part of a CPD optimisation initiative, to ensure local institute members benefit from a smarter and more consistent approach to delivering CPD.

LI Proposition Development: Careers support

The newly formed Careers team is working with the regional membership team to develop a toolkit for local institute volunteers to support local events and activity. Regular updates will be provided in Network News and the Career & Talent Lead will attend Network Conference in June.