How to set up events and send promotional emails

The regional membership team has created a number of web-based tools to help you communicate professionally to your members.


Promotional e-flyers can be sent to members using the CMS of your website when you create an event page. It is simple, easy to use and matches your website branding.

You can also send an individual email outside of an event, such as a newsletter or a promotional email highlighting multiple events that are going on in your institute. Please find below a training video on how to do this.

We have developed some training videos on how to set up events and also send emails:

Eflyer training video.

Setting up events, surveys, and CPD certificates on the CMS system.

Please also see below a few handy guides relating to the e-flyer system and events.

Your Website

Your local institute’s website is an easy to navigate portal for members who want to keep up to date with your activities.

The home page can be tailored to promote your messages and activities – a great opportunity to display your institute’s personality. To get the best out of your website it is vital that you task one of your council members to ensure information is kept relevant and up to date.

Please see below a guide on how to update your contact us page on the CMS site for your institute.

If you have any queries or would like to book a training session with one of the RMM, please do not hesitate to contact us.