Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a key requirement of CII membership and provides vital support to members to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date and, in turn, remain competent to perform their job.
As a local institute your key objective is to offer a local CPD programme to support your members to complete the required minimum of 35 hours of CPD each year (of which at least 21 hours must be structured CPD).
Find out more about the CIIs CPD Scheme
The number of hours you are required to provide locally depends on the size of your institute. The following numbers are recommended as good practice:
Your council will have experience of organising local CPD events however you should have in place a council member to oversee your local programme- this will be your education secretary / CPD officer.
The programme you put together must benefit your entire membership, with a balance of technical, market knowledge and business skills. These can take the form of seminars, workshops, training courses, conferences and educational visits.
It’s also good practice to incorporate study or revision sessions into your programme. This could possibly be done in collaboration with neighbouring institutes, to make it more cost effective and to ensure good turnout is achieved.
As a council you will schedule a programme for the forthcoming year - using your contacts and the CPD database on this extranet site to fill your programme.
Set your budget, mapping out how much can you should spend on CPD activity. You will need to identify a mix of free and paid-for events that meet your event target whilst taking into account any additional costs ie; venue and catering costs for face to face activities.
If you are hosting face to face events the venue you choose should achieve a balance of price, service, desirability and convenience. It must meet the required access, equality and diversity and health and safety standards.
Sponsorship can play a vital role in local institute activity, allowing flexibility towards costing to members and to the quality and versatility of the event.
Promote your events once they are booked, make sure they are added to your website and diarise dates to start promotion via e-flyer (no later than four weeks before the event). Your education secretary / CPD officer should liaise with your website or communications officer. Ensure all these communications are targeted.
Use the online booking facility on your website: It can save both time and hassle. Your Regional Membership Manager can talk you through this tool, please note your website or communications officer will have already received relevant training. The website guide and hot to videos can be accessed via the website content management system which sits on the TOOLS section of this site.
Regional CPD events may be an option to consider. A joint event can provide greater resources to attract high profile presenters whilst helping to share the workload and explore key topics in more detail. Talk to your regional colleagues to explore the possibilities.
It is always good practice to fully brief your speaker prior to the event and ensure that they sign up to the CII approved speaker guide which can be downloaded below.
An events checklist should be completed by two people from your institute to confirm that every consideration has been given to planning your event to prevent any unintentional indirect discrimination.
This checklist should be kept on file for future reference should the need arise. If you indicate that remedial action is required, you should endeavour to take any such action and note this on page two of the form below, even if the decision is that there is no remedial action that can be taken. Download the form below - please note forms for both face to face and online events have been created.
For large scale events we would advise that a risk assessment is also carried out, venues should have this in place but if not please find a form to download below.