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Personal Finance Society (PFS)

The Personal Finance Society (PFS), is the largest professional body for individual financial advisers in the UK market. PFS members are likely to account for a significant percentage of your local institute’s membership.

For most local institutes, these members are likely to number between 25-40% of their total membership, but for some institutes it’s as high as 50% or more. Your Membership Secretary will have access to your membership data and should be able to provide you with a breakdown of these figures.

Many local institutes engage with their PFS members to deliver events that support their learning and development.

It has long been good practice to encourage at least one financial services representative to serve on your local council. This will ensure that your local institute is delivering member services that meet the needs of all your members, not just those working within the insurance sector.

The PFS has local committees that work on a regional basis as opposed to the CII model of individual local institutes. Therefore, it is likely that several of your neighbouring CII local institutes are part of the same PFS region. Consider contacting the local committee for advice and support.

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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