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Discover Risk game

Promoting the profession

As a professional body we are at the forefront of promoting careers in insurance and financial services, to ensure we attract, retain and develop the best talent the UK has to offer. We are also committed to increasing public trust in our profession and giving back to the local communities that we serve.

The CII conducts a series of outreach initiatives across schools, colleges, and universities.

Schools & colleges

Discover Risk: Promoting our profession within schools, colleges and universities locally has never been easier, thanks to the Discover Risk. As well as introducing students to the world of risk, this game is designed to increase students' employability skills such as team working, communication and problem-solving. Equally, they create opportunities for local employers to build links with their future talent.

The Discover Risk workshop involves 20-35 students, takes approximately 90 minutes to run and splits students into teams to work through several scenarios.

My Personal Finance Skills: The My Personal Finance Skills initiative delivers free financial education workshops to schools & colleges across the UK through a network of Education Champions (volunteer members).

Workshops cover important personal finance topics such as the first payslip, staying safe from scams, making decisions and risk (relating to insurance) and much more. The initiative also includes the Discover Fortunes workshops that is like Discover Risk but targeted at personal finance.

The CII can provide full materials and training for any local institutes that wish to deliver one of these workshops and diversify their offer to local school &c colleges.

The aim of this programme is increasing financial capability, building public trust in the profession, and giving back to the community. Now, more than ever, financial resilience is vital.

Discover Risk Training Webinar

This webinar explains the Discover Risk programme and how to use it effectively.

Discover Fortunes Training Webinar

This webinar explains the Discover Fortune programme and how to use it effectively.

The CII supporting local institutes

The CII can supply a PowerPoint presentation and supporting materials for those wishing to attend a career fair or present at a local school, college, or university. In addition to this, the CII can supply any relevant materials to assist in the training and delivery of the My Personal Finance Skills initiative.

Whenever local institutes plan something, we encourage you to contact us so that we know what is taking place and to ensure there is no cross-over with our own activities.

In addition, local institutes could help engage with key organisations to provide work experience and/or taster opportunities for those students who are particularly interested in gaining experience.

Contact us

For more information speak to your Regional Membership Manager or email George Tsounias (Education Relationship Manager) at (for schools/colleges).

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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