All local institutes across the UK, with the exception of London, hold their Annual General Meeting in March, April or May.
Numerous decisions are taken at these meetings, including the election of a president, deputy president and all other members of council.
The institute’s annual report and accounts will be discussed and adopted. The new president also has the opportunity to discuss their plans and key objectives for the coming 12 months.
The AGM gives your members a voice in relation to the running of their local institute and the associated local membership proposition, allowing them to ask any questions to council regarding the direction the institute will take in the future. So be prepared.
Knowing what to do during the AGM as both incoming and outgoing president is essential to make sure the AGM runs smoothly and each institute should work closely with their secretary to make sure the meeting runs smoothly.
An overview of a secretary’s typical responsibilities can be viewed here.
To remove the requirement for nomination forms, hold a council meeting prior to your AGM to discuss forthcoming roles. This should be held after your eflyer notification is issued, in case any new members wish to join council. Agree your council roles, subject to ratification at your AGM, ensuring that this receives a majority council vote and is minuted. This process removes the requirement for nomination forms.
Key documents for running your AGM can be found below. If you have any questions at all please contact your RMM.
The regional membership will promote the importance of your AGM within The Journal giving members forewarning of your institutes AGM date.
Following the AGM a number of forms and pieces of information known as annual returns will need to be submitted prior to 31st May. This includes:
- officer returns form
- annual dinner date
- annual accounts
- AGM minutes
- CPD accreditation renewal
- next year’s AGM date.
Running your AGM online?
If you are running your AGM online - we advise the following: