What is CPD Accreditation?
Accreditation is a recognised industry quality kite mark for CPD events, ensuring they are delivered to the highest possible standards and offer tangible benefits to help members meet their continuing professional development needs. Institutes who hold CII CPD Accreditation are able to use the CII CPD logos on their event marketing.
Why is CPD Accreditation important?
Accreditation is important as it:
What is required for a CPD event to meet accreditation standards?
To meet accreditation standards, all CPD events must have:
What is reaccreditation, and why is it important?
To ensure accreditation standards are being met across the network, the Regional Membership Team (RMT) audits the Local Institute CPD programmes each year after 31 May. This is important as it:
What does the annual CPD Accreditation audit involve?
Each year five local institutes will be selected each year for a detailed audit of six months’ worth of their CPD event programme. The chosen institutes will need to provide the following evidence for all CPD events within a six-month period in the previous presidential year:
Once the evidence for each institute has been reviewed a report will be compiled, and a meeting held between each institute and the regional membership team to discuss the findings.
All other Local Institutes will need to submit the following evidence each year as part of the Annual Return:
Your Regional Membership Manager will inform you of your institute's accreditation needs at the start of each year.
*If you do not use the survey tool on the CMS event page of your website, you will also need to upload the collated feedback forms for each of these events.