Please note: Due to essential maintenance member login is unavailable from 5pm Wednesday 12th March until 5pm Thursday 13th March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

What data does your local institute have access to?

Every Sunday evening the CII uploads an electronic copy of your local institute’s membership data to this site this can be found in the membership secretary page under tools. A nominated council member, normally the Membership Secretary or Secretary will be able to access this data. The membership data is supplied in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx file) for ease of use and analysis.

The membership spreadsheet will contain key information on all members that are affiliated to your local institute.

This includes:

Personal information (name, pin number, address)
Professional details (employer - if provided)
Membership information (start date of membership)

This information is invaluable in helping your institute determine how best to serve its members but can also be used to adequately target members with communications that are relevant and fit for purpose.

We are currently working on several developments for this data set – this includes:

Accurate overview of the organisation each of your members works for (if provided)
Regular overview of lapses and resignations for your institute

Communications data – email addresses

Please note all communications issued to your members must be actioned via the integrated e-flyer tool which sits within your website CMS – your institute’s communications officer or your Regional Membership Manager will be able to provide you with more information on this key tool. Please note we longer provide email addresses as part the weekly membership data to ensure that we reduce the risk of any data breaches and associated fines. Your institute’s latest communications data is uploaded into your websites CMS at the start of each week. We advise institutes NOT to keep any communication lists due to the need to maintain ongoing GDPR permissions.

We are also currently working on several developments on the communications data you receive via the integrated e-flyer system – this includes:

New member data – uploaded directly into the system – allowing you to communicate to new members about your institute’s proposition, we will also be developing a stand-alone e-flyer you can utilise.
Members – under the age of 40 – institutes have requested a data set for members under the age of 40.

Additional data sets – qualifications and exams
The following data sets can be requested via your Regional Membership Manager - qualification and awards data, data around examinations sat by your members and active examination vouchers held by your members. Simply contact your Regional Membership Manager for more information. Your RMM will normally be able to provide this information to you within five working days.

Additional data sets – chartered and key corporates
Your Regional Membership Manager can provide you with an overview of any chartered firms with a local head office. If you require additional information about key corporates and other key businesses in your area, then your RMM will happily broker a relationship with a member of the CIIs business development team.

National data
As part of our monthly regional membership report we now provide an overview of the following: overall month on month CII Group membership figures, the breakdown of CPD events being offered by the entire local institute network and key national exam figures including overview of any complaints or issues faced across the UK. Please ensure this report is tabled at your council meeting. For more information on how to get the most out of this data set or to request a training session, please speak with your Regional membership manager.

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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