Please note: Due to essential maintenance member login is unavailable from 5pm Wednesday 12th March until 5pm Thursday 13th March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


22 May 2023

Appointment of Interim Vice President for Local Institutes

Following the resignation of David Ross as VP (Local Institutes), the Nominations and Remuneration Committee agreed a process to seek volunteers from Local Institute National Forum members to act as Interim VP until the AGM in October.

24 Apr 2023

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Vacancies for Chartered Insurance Institute Committees

Following a governance change in 2019, it was agreed that a Local Institute National Forum (LINF) member would serve on each of the CII Board’s committees.

20 Apr 2023

Introducing the CII’s new Strategic Plan

The Chartered Insurance Institute (Institute) is publishing its new, 5-year Strategic Plan (Plan) today. The Plan contains six strategic themes that place a renewed emphasis on professional standards and the value of CII and PFS membership supported by world-class learning and qualifications.

08 Mar 2023

Volunteer Awards 2023

This year’s volunteer conference will, once again, provide the opportunity to recognise those who have gone the extra mile in supporting their CII local institute or PFS regional committee. The awards are presented to volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding or exceptional service for their members at either a local, regional, or national level.

28 Feb 2023

Communications Preferences

The Chartered Insurance Institute is transitioning to a new customer and member relationship management system as part of our commitment to improving the way we deliver value for our members and learners.

24 Feb 2023

CII Mailing Preferences – Future System Updates

The Chartered Insurance Institute is transitioning to a new customer and member relationship management system as part of our commitment to improving the way we deliver value for our members and learners.

30 Jan 2023

CII Group Board action

The CII Group Board announced its intention to appoint a majority of directors to the PFS Board on 21 December. Read the latest here.

29 Jan 2023

Past President Badges - order now

Ordering of Past President badges should now be on your to-do list.

16 Jan 2023

CII pilots new form of financial planning assessment

The Chartered Insurance Institute is piloting a new form of assessment for the R06 Financial Planning Practice unit.